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  • 0195. Very nice Imari porcelain plate Qing dynasty kangxi/yongzheng period
    0195. Very nice Imari porcelain plate Qing dynasty kangxi/yongzheng period
    Study Object
  • 0205. Gorgeous encre de chine tea set. Very nice decoration with two lovers holding hands and a boy looking at them from the bush.
    0205. Gorgeous encre de chine tea set. Very nice decoration with two lovers holding hands and a boy looking at them from the bush.
    Study Object
  • 0198 Gorgeous encre de chine plate. Very nice decoration with an angel and a woman.
    0198 Gorgeous encre de chine plate. Very nice decoration with an angel and a woman.
    Study Object
  • 0200. Very nice decorated imari plate. Decorated with a lot of beautiful flowers.Underglaze with blue and red overglaze with gold.
    0200. Very nice decorated imari plate. Decorated with a lot of beautiful flowers.Underglaze with blue and red overglaze with gold.
    Study Object
  • 0204. Very nice octogonal dish. Pictures a figure washing at the lake and figure with a baby on the side
    0204. Very nice octogonal dish. Pictures a figure washing at the lake and figure with a baby on the side
    Study Object
  • 0208. Gorgeous Rose Mandarin dish. Pictures five figures at the water. Qianlong
    0208. Gorgeous Rose Mandarin dish. Pictures five figures at the water. Qianlong
    Study Object
  • 0229. Very nice decorated plate. Decorated with fishes and flowers. Underglaze blue.
    0229. Very nice decorated plate. Decorated with fishes and flowers. Underglaze blue.
    Study Object
  • 0228. Very nice decorated plate. Decorated with flowers & butterflies. Very interesting border, not seen often.
    0228. Very nice decorated plate. Decorated with flowers & butterflies. Very interesting border, not seen often.
    Study Object
  • 0227. Very nice decorated plate. Chine de Commande, Decorated with a scene of a harbor in the center and 4 compartments in the border
    0227. Very nice decorated plate. Chine de Commande, Decorated with a scene of a harbor in the center and 4 compartments in the border
    Study Object
  • 0225. Interesting Famille Verte plate. Decorated with a underglaze blue and overglaze red, green and gold scene of a garden
    0225. Interesting Famille Verte plate. Decorated with a underglaze blue and overglaze red, green and gold scene of a garden
    Study Object
  • 0226. Very nice decorated clobbered plate. Decorated with a underglaze blue landscape scene. Overglaze red and gold.
    0226. Very nice decorated clobbered plate. Decorated with a underglaze blue landscape scene. Overglaze red and gold.
    Study Object
  • 0224. Nice 18th century Famille Verte Plate with flowers. Kangxi or Yongzheng
    0224. Nice 18th century Famille Verte Plate with flowers. Kangxi or Yongzheng
    Study Object