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  • 0578 Amsterdam Bont Kakiemon plate
    0578 Amsterdam Bont Kakiemon plate
    Study Object
  • 0577 Amsterdam Bont Plate. Prunus in Kakiemon style with parrot
    0577 Amsterdam Bont Plate. Prunus in Kakiemon style with parrot
    Study Object
  • 0570 Amsterdam Bont Rose Water Sprinklers. Ladies with parasol
    0570 Amsterdam Bont Rose Water Sprinklers. Ladies with parasol
    Study Object
  • 0567 Amsterdam Bont Teapot. Prunus in Kakiemon style with parrot
    0567 Amsterdam Bont Teapot. Prunus in Kakiemon style with parrot
    Study Object
  • 0574 18th c plate Chinese. 19th c English Clobbered
    0574 18th c plate Chinese. 19th c English Clobbered
    Study Object
  • 0575 18th c plate Chgina. 19th c English Clobbered.
    0575 18th c plate Chgina. 19th c English Clobbered.
    Study Object
  • 0576 Lovely Kangxi plate.
    0576 Lovely Kangxi plate.
    Study Object
  • 0505 A blue and white CHinese bowl with Overglaze Amsterdam Bont Imari decoration with a Cherry picker / orange picker
    0505 A blue and white CHinese bowl with Overglaze Amsterdam Bont Imari decoration with a Cherry picker / orange picker
    Study Object
  • 0506 A blue and white CHinese bowl with Overglaze Amsterdam Bont Imari decoration with figures on a bridge
    0506 A blue and white CHinese bowl with Overglaze Amsterdam Bont Imari decoration with figures on a bridge
    Study Object
  • 0572 Amsterdam Bont Teapot
    0572 Amsterdam Bont Teapot
    Study Object
  • 0456 Very unsual jug with typical European decoration. Most likely a Chinese Dehua blank
    0456 Very unsual jug with typical European decoration. Most likely a Chinese Dehua blank
    Study Object
  • 0568 Very unusual decoration with black on a Amsterdam Bont
    0568 Very unusual decoration with black on a Amsterdam Bont
    Study Object