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  • 0377 Lovely famille rose plate Yongzheng period
    0377 Lovely famille rose plate Yongzheng period
    Study Object
  • 0376 Lovely deep imari plate with double fishes
    0376 Lovely deep imari plate with double fishes
    Study Object
  • 0373 Lovely Blue and White plate, with bird in the cavetto.
    0373 Lovely Blue and White plate, with bird in the cavetto.
    Study Object
  • 0387 Lovely and special Doucai plate with birds and iron red also.
    0387 Lovely and special Doucai plate with birds and iron red also.
    Study Object
  • 0352 Beautiful clobbered plate. Later overdecorated in Europe.
    0352 Beautiful clobbered plate. Later overdecorated in Europe.
    Study Object
  • 0372 Lovely famille rose plate with copper red in border.
    0372 Lovely famille rose plate with copper red in border.
    Study Object
  • 0374 Lovely cobalt blue plate with deer and blue Rim. Ming style
    0374 Lovely cobalt blue plate with deer and blue Rim. Ming style
    Study Object
  • 0420 Rare Yonzheng plate with the ressurection scene of Jesus. Old staple repair.
    0420 Rare Yonzheng plate with the ressurection scene of Jesus. Old staple repair.
    Study Object
  • 0371 Lovely pencilled plate with Anhua border. Very rare. Typical for the Yongzheng period.
    0371 Lovely pencilled plate with Anhua border. Very rare. Typical for the Yongzheng period.
    Study Object
  • 0416. Very nice blue and white Kraak dish, decorated with a warrior.
    0416. Very nice blue and white Kraak dish, decorated with a warrior.
    Study Object
  • 0381 Beautiful 19th c Cantonese porcelain plate with a scene of boys
    0381 Beautiful 19th c Cantonese porcelain plate with a scene of boys
    Study Object
  • 0382 Large Charger Typical Qianlong landscape Scene
    0382 Large Charger Typical Qianlong landscape Scene
    Study Object