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  • 0849 China Kangxi period Blue and White. Amsterdams Bont Kakiemon bowl.
    0849 China Kangxi period Blue and White. Amsterdams Bont Kakiemon bowl.
    Study Object
  • 0845. Amsterdams Bont bowl. See also 300. Where you can see the original chinese bowl
    0845. Amsterdams Bont bowl. See also 300. Where you can see the original chinese bowl
    Study Object
  • 0835 & 0836 Antique Chinese Kangxi bowl with European Decoration on a bowl with fishes
    0835 & 0836 Antique Chinese Kangxi bowl with European Decoration on a bowl with fishes
    Study Object
  • 0847 Antique Chinese Porcelain Qianlong Bowl Clobbered in the 19th century
    0847 Antique Chinese Porcelain Qianlong Bowl Clobbered in the 19th century
    Study Object
  • 0842 Antique Chinese Porcelain Kangxi Tea Caddy Clobbered in the 19th century
    0842 Antique Chinese Porcelain Kangxi Tea Caddy Clobbered in the 19th century
    Study Object
  • 0848 Very rare Chinese Porcelain Bowls with Dutch decoration of a Cherry, Orange or Apple picker & Anne the wive of Prince William IV of Orange .
    0848 Very rare Chinese Porcelain Bowls with Dutch decoration of a Cherry, Orange or Apple picker & Anne the wive of Prince William IV of Orange .
    Study Object
  • 0831 Antique Chinese Kangxi Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with figure, rabbit and a landscape
    0831 Antique Chinese Kangxi Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with figure, rabbit and a landscape
    Study Object
  • 0829 Antique Chinese Kangxi Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with figures and a landscape
    0829 Antique Chinese Kangxi Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with figures and a landscape
    Study Object
  • 0846 Antique Chinese Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with Melons and a landscape
    0846 Antique Chinese Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with Melons and a landscape
    Study Object
  • 0834 Antique Chinese Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with a landscape
    0834 Antique Chinese Porcelain bowl with an Amsterdam Bont decoration with a landscape
    Study Object
  • 0841. Antique Chinese Kangxi/Yongzheng Jug wit landscape and added European Decoration
    0841. Antique Chinese Kangxi/Yongzheng Jug wit landscape and added European Decoration
    Study Object
  • 0838. Antique Chinese Kangxi/Yongzheng Tea Saucer with European Decoration
    0838. Antique Chinese Kangxi/Yongzheng Tea Saucer with European Decoration
    Study Object