0636 Yongzheng period Amsterdam Bont Milk Jug with Verte Fenghuang
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0660 Lovely Amsterdam Bont teapot with a rare black decoration
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0635 Lovely Londen Bont Teapot with a landscape scene
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0621 Kangxi period Amsterdam Bont teapot with Kakiemon parrot scene.
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0620 Lovely Londen Bont Teapot with a landscape scene
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0623 Lovely Amsterdam Bont bowl with a rare scene of stadholder Willem IV of Orange and his wife.
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0624 Lovely Amsterdam Bont bowl with a rare monkey scene
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0625 Lovely Amsterdam Bont bowl with a rare border Decoration
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0618 An 18th century Typical Qianlong flower plate but with unusual composition
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0614 A Yongzheng period Batavian Brown Tea cup vibrant Encre de CHine
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0608 A Yongzheng period Batavian Brown plate with Encre de Chine
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0607 An 17th c Ming interesting blue rim plate with Prunus on Ice
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